China-Japan Calligraphy and Antique Painting Project

  • 17 Sep 2015

Connect International contribute to international projects. Our professional market expansion services successfully facilitated collaborations between businesses, state-owned institutions and governments across international frontiers. The photo displays China and Japan Calligraphy and Antique Painting Project and Modern Religion Arts and Culture Investment Project. The project received high recognition and attained fast government support from Zhejiang and Jiaxing Provincial Governments, Haining Municipal Government and Haining City Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau.


Connect International contribute to international projects. Our professional market expansion services successfully facilitated collaborations between businesses, state-owned institutions and governments across international frontiers. The photo displays success after attaining great government support from Zhejiang and Jiaxing Provincial Governments, Haining Municipal Government and Haining City Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau. The involved project entities include the An Guo Temple, Mr. Yin Quan Liang, Master Yan Hong Shi, founder and CEO of Nirvata Asia Ltd – Mr. Dato’ Kong Hon Kong, and Malaysia’s Selangor State Investment Centre (SSIC).

全球连接贡献国际项目。我们专业的市场拓展服务成功地协助企业与国有企业和政府相互合作,一同积极开创、共襄盛举。照片是「中国古斋艺术品国际市场合作项目」和「中国宗教现代文化艺术投资项目」的近期成功发展。企业客户在获得人民政府对于安国寺的全面支持后,已与日本前首相鸠山由纪夫和日本第一夫人安倍昭惠重视英才 – 梁荫全先生,少林寺第34代武僧教头 – 释延宏大师,富贵生命集团创办人与执行董事 – 拿督邝汉光,以及马来西亚雪州投资中心(SSIC)达成合作共识,积极进行项目合作。

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