International Football League Project with Ivan Zamorano FIFA Top 100

  • 17 Sep 2015

Connect International prepared the China-South America national football league program pitch presentation, which received immediate interest from Ivan Zamorano and achieved strategic partnership for the company. Ivan Zamorano was selected among the FIFA Top 100 – a list of the best living football players in the world compiled by Pelé. Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known as Pelé, is a retired Brazilian professional footballer who is widely regarded as the greatest football player of all time. The photo was taken with Ivan Zamorano and team elites.

全球连接准备了中国与南美国家足球队培训计划提案方案;收到伊万·萨莫拉诺先生的立即兴趣并取得了战略合作伙伴关系。萨莫拉诺先生在世界知名球王贝利先生所编制的最佳在世足球运动员名单中当选为《国际足球联合会前100名最佳球员》。 埃德森·多纳西门托,被誉为贝利,是一名退休的巴西职业足球运动员。贝利被世界足球界广泛认定为是有史以来最成功的球员。图片为企业客户与伊万·萨莫拉诺先生和公司团队的欢乐合影。

Football autograph from Mr. Ivan Zamorano.


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